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【保护视力背景色: 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色)】 【字色: 绿 粉红 深蓝】 【字体:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  题目: Data Science in Imaging Genomics
  报告人:Li Shen
  时间: 2016年4月28日上午10:00
  报告人简介:Dr. Li Shen,硕士毕业于上海交通大学,获得Dartmouth College计算机科学博士学位。Shen教授是Indiana University School of Medicine(IUSM)放射学和影像学副教授,是IUSM计算生物学和生物信息学中心副主任,是MICCAI Society董事会执行董事,同时也为the IU Center for Neuroimaging, the IU Network Science Institute, the Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, Departments of CIS, ECE and Biostatistics , and the School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI多个机构工作。
  Dr. Li Shen主要的研究方向包括医学图像计算,生物信息学,数据挖掘,网络科学。他的实验室研究重点在于通过计算和信息学方法的研究综合分析多模态成像数据,高吞吐量的“组学”数据,认知和其他生物标志物数据,及利用丰富的生物学知识对各种复杂的疾病进行研究分析。他的研究目标是:(1)通过大型异构数据集新算法的研究分析,推进计算机科学和生物信息学发展;(2)通过疾病过程内在机理的研究,实现疾病的早诊断和早治疗.他的研究主要是由NIH (NLM, NIA, NIBIB, NIAAA, NCATS), NSF, DOD and NCAA资助。
  内容提要:Imaging genomics is an emerging data science field, where integrative analysis of
  imaging and omics data is performed to provide new insights into the phenotypic characteristics and genetic mechanisms of normal or disordered physiology, and to impact the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive approaches. However, due to the unprecedented scale and complexity of these data sets, this field is facing major computational and bioinformatics challenges. In this talk, using the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) project as an example, we will discuss fundamental concepts, state-of-the-art statistical and machine learning methods, and innovative applications in this young and rapidly evolving field. We show that the broad availability and wide scope of imaging genomics data, coupled with computational and data science advances, have the potential to significantly contribute to multiple US and worldwide health priority areas including the big data to knowledge initiative, the brain initiative, Alzheimer’s disease, and precision medicine.


上一条:“智信讲坛”(第六十二)期学术报告 下一条:智信馆香港大学胡奕聪副教授学术报告