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  题目:Communications Network Economics
  报告人: 黄建伟教授,香港中文大学信息工程系
  时间: 2016年12月15日 星期四 14:30
  地点: 电信大楼403室
  邀请人: 杨恺教授
  报告人简介:黄建伟现为IEEE会士,香港中文大学信息工程系副教授,IEEE通信学会杰出讲师,Thomson Reuters计算机科学领域高引作者。黄建伟2000年于东南大学获得信息工程学士学位,2003年和2005年分别获得美国西北大学电子与计算机工程系硕士和博士学位,并于2005 至2007年间担任美国普林斯顿大学电子工程系博士后研究员。2009年6月和2010年8月分别于瑞士洛桑高等联邦理工学院和美国加州大学伯克利分校大学担任访问学者。黄建伟博士与其合作者八次获得国际会议和期刊的最佳论文奖,包括2011年IEEE马可尼无线通信论文奖。黄建伟博士在通信网络领域的国际一流期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇, 谷歌学术总引用6700余次。他已发表六本学术专著。黄建伟博士于2014年获得香港中文大学青年研究学者奖,2009年获得IEEE通信协会亚太杰出青年研究学者奖。
  内容提要: Today’s communication networks are highly complex, carry heterogeneous traffic in diverse environments, and are often owned by multiple profit-making entities. To successfully maintain, optimize, and upgrade such large distributed networks, it is important to design new economic incentive mechanisms as well as develop new technologies. The market deregulation of the telecommunication industry in many countries makes such economic consideration even more urgent, as there are often conflicting goals between the regulators and the commercial operators.
  I will first illustrate how economics can help us better understand the networking industry reality, predict user behaviors, envision new network services, and provide policy recommendations. Then I will focus on the case study of incentive mechanisms for user-provided networks (UPNs). UPNs is a new communication paradigm, which enables users to improve their communications experiences by exploiting the diverse communication needs and resources of other users. The success of UPNs, however, relies on carefully designed incentive mechanisms that effectively encourage users’ voluntary participations and cooperations. We will introduce a new paradigm of cooperative video streaming based on the concept of UPN, where mobile users crowdsource their Internet connectivities and adaptively choose video downloading sequences and streaming qualities. We will introduce a multi-dimensional auction framework, which effectively incentivizes users to cooperate in a distributed fashion.


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