题 目1:Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
时 间:2011年10月18日 上午10:00
地 点:电信学院215室
题 目2:How to write Research Papers in English
时 间:2011年10月18日 下午14:00
地 点:电信学院305室
报告人:Prof. Weiming Shen
Prof. Weiming Shen: a Senior Research Scientist at the National Research Council Canada and an Adjunct Professor in software engineering at the University of Western Ontario

Prof. Shen received his Bachelor (1983) and Master’s (1986) degrees from Northern (Beijing) Jiaotong University, China and his PhD degree (1996) from the University of Technology of Compiègne, France. He has been working on intelligent software agents and applications to collaborative engineering design and intelligent manufacturing for about 19 years. He has published two books and over 300 papers in scientific journals and international conferences, and co-edited six books and 15 conference proceedings in the related areas. He is a Co-Chair of the Technical Committee on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) with the IEEE SMC Society.