题 目:From Service-Oriented Computing to Big Data Processing
报告人: Prof. Yinong Chen, Arizona State University
时 间:2015年5月25日上午8:50
地 点: 同济大学嘉定校区C楼308室
邀请人: 苗夺谦 教授 卫志华 副教授
Yinong Chen, Professor in Arizona State University, received his Ph.D. from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, in 1993. He did postdoctoral research at the LAAS-CNRS, France. From 1994 to 2000, he was with the Wits University at Johannesburg, South Africa. He joined Arizona State University in 2001. Dr. Chen’s primary research interests are in service-oriented computing, Robot as a Serve, Internet of Things, and computer science education. He (co-) authored ten books and over 160 technical papers in these areas.
This talk will introduce the latest software development paradigm of service-oriented computing, Web-based software development, architecture-driven software integration, as well as their applications in cloud computing, Internet of Things, and big data processing. The talk will also discuss the impact of service-oriented computing in computer science education. A repository of Web services and resources will be presented for students and faculty to build their applications from the repository. Hands-on programming will be demonstrated. You may bring a computer with internet connection to the talk.
《计算机科学导论:基于机器人的实践方法》2013, and 《浅谈深析面向服务的软件工程》2008