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  题目:Dynamics and Controllability in Cell Cycle Specific Protein Interaction Networks
  报告人: Haiying Wang
  时间: 2015年9月19日10点
  地点: 电信大楼403室
  邀 请 人:赵兴明
  报告人简介:Haiying Wang 教授是英国Ulster University计算机系的Senior Lecturer。他的研究兴趣包括生物信息学、复杂网络和医学信息学,以及机器学习等。他承担了包括欧盟第6框架(FP6)在内的多项科研项目。自2004年以来,他在IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Computational Biology and Bioinformatics和IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience等国际杂志已发表了100余篇学术论文,担任了BIBM等国际会议的程序委员会委员和会议主席等,并担任了多个国际杂志的编委和客座编辑。
  内容提要: Despite extensive studies and heated debate over how protein interaction networks (PINs) dynamically organize in the last decade, it appears that there was no consensus yet on the issue. In this talk, I will firstly revisit this issue in the context of the analysis of dynamic organization of a PIN specific to a single dynamic process, i.e. the yeast cell cycle. Statistically significant bimodality was observed when analyzing the distribution of the differences in expression peak between periodically expressed partners, suggesting the existence of two types of modules that are closely related to the date and party hubs previously published. After that I will move to the study of the controllability of the dynamics taking place on them and the role of individual proteins in controlling PINs specific cell cycle. Using a minimum dominating set based approach, a set of critical and redundant proteins were identified. The emphasis will be placed on the examination of the distinction between these two types of proteins with respect to topological parameters, genomic essentiality, gene coexpression, functional similarity, and the impact on resilience of a network.


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